"Bir Öykü, Bin Düş" temasıyla düzenlenecek "Çocuk Edebiyatı Öğretmen Kongresi", öğretmenlerden yoğun ilgi gördü "Bir Öykü, Bin Düş" temasıyla düzenlenecek "Çocuk Edebiyatı Öğretmen Kongresi", öğretmenlerden yoğun ilgi gördü

Empowerıng Englısh Teachers Wıth Aı eğitimine katılmak için tıklayınız.

This 8-week online hybrid course is designed to equip English language teachers with the knowledge and practical skills to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools into their classrooms. Through a combination of self-paced learning and six interactive live sessions, participants will explore how AI can enhance teaching and learning processes across various language skills.

Course Structure:

  • 8 Weeks of engaging content
  • 6 Synchronous Sessions for hands-on, real-time application
  • Self-Paced Learning for flexibility and in-depth understanding
  • Assignments: Short tasks to apply and reinforce the skills learned
  • Pre-test and Post-test: To measure growth in AI integration readiness

Throughout the course, teachers will discover how to:

  • Use AI tools for lesson planning, grammar practice, reading, writing, listening, and speaking
  • Integrate AI-generated content into language learning materials
  • Assess students using AI-powered tools
  • Foster collaboration and creativity through AI

By the end of the course, participants will not only enhance their ability to use AI in the classroom but will also receive a certificate as recognition of their newfound skills. Whether you are new to AI or looking to enhance your current knowledge, this course will provide you with practical, actionable insights into the future of language teaching.

Join us and transform your teaching practices with the power of AI!

Faaliyet Bilgileri

Faaliyet Sahibi: Lisan Atölyeleri
Faaliyet Türü: Atölye (Çevrimiçi)
Kapasitesi: 97
Başvuru Sayısı: ...
Faaliyet No: 20250073
Faaliyet Yeri: Genel Ağ (İnternet)
Faaliyet Adresi: https://zoom.us/
Faaliyet Tarihi: 03.02.2025 - 31.03.2025 [20:00 - 22:00]
Başvuru Tarihi: 10.01.2025 - 31.01.2025
Faaliyet Günü: PtSlÇrPrCmCtPz
Gruplar: Tüm Gruplar
Branşlar: İngilizce
İller/İlçeler: Tüm İller/Tüm İlçeler
Kurum Statüsü: Kamu/Özel
Kurum Türü: Tüm Kurumlar
Kadro Statüsü: Tüm Statüler
Eğitmenler: Kübra ERDOĞAN